What's Been Your Toughest Experience To Get Through?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's been your toughest experience to get through?

Speaker 2: (00:05)
I'm going to go with this business. You know, it's been running for over four years now and I will admit that I thought after about six, seven months I'd be flying. I thought it would be easy. I felt I had a lot to give and two years into the business, I was barely picking up any clients of any particular significance on a regular basis. And that was hard to take. It made me question whether it was the right decision. Made me question whether I was any good. Lots of lingering doubts were kicking in, but luckily with the knowledge that I have, I was able to challenge myself on that thinking quite regularly. So for me, it was about misjudging the speed at which my business would grow. And setting myself very unrealistic goals and targets because they weren't based on any foundation. I'm happy to say four and a bit years in, that's not the case anymore, but if you'd have told me back then it was going to take three to four years to get to where I wanted to be. I don't know what I would have done. It would have been very interesting for me to have had that conversation. So for me, it's misjudging the speed at which things are gonna happen for you.