Why Change? Isn’t It Easier To Stick With The Tried And The Tested?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
Why change? Isn't it easier to just stick with the tried and the tested?

Speaker 2: (00:04)
You've hit the nail on the head in the question. Yes, it is absolutely easier to do. There's two troubles with that. First and foremost, with the way things are changing out there, I believe the demands on business and what you need to do are going to be completely different. And if you try and stick the way you are now for the next 10 to 20 years, I honestly don't think you'll be in business in that timeframe. That might not be an issue for you, and that's fine. But I think for a lot of businesses, they plan to be around for a lot longer. The other challenge is if you just do the things that are so easy to do, you're avoiding the more difficult ones, the more challenging ones that are actually so easy to avoid. But if you do them, just imagine what might happen. The possibilities are literally endless.