Which Businesses Are You Inspired By Right Now?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
Which businesses are you inspired by right now?

Do you know, weirdly enough, right now it's Atari. Because only last night I watched a documentary on Netflix and right back in the eighties, Atari were... Before they were bought out, were working the sort of culture that I love to see. Any hours you want to work. Number of hours you want to work is up to you. What we're worried about is the quality of the work you do. Come to come to work dressed as you wish. Come to work at the times you wish. Do how many hours you want to work. But let's agree that this is what we're looking for from you. And if you deliver it brilliant, we do not care how you do it. I mean, they possibly push the barriers, cause there were illegal drugs and stuff going on on site. So, and I'm not absolutely advocating everything, but just that culture of we trust you. We know you're good. We're going to give you everything we can to be the best version of yourself that you can be. And we know that you will deliver however you want to within legal reasons and frameworks.