You Talk A Lot About Delivering Aftercare But What Does That Actually Mean?
Speaker 1: (00:00)
You talk a lot about delivering aftercare when it comes to training your staff, but what does that actually mean?
Speaker 2: (00:06)
Okay. So too often, I see people, companies, organisations that have been a lot of money giving great information to their staff in some way, shape or form. And then just leaving them be as if it will, somehow, just through osmosis, be part of the way they are. Or part of your company's culture. But they don't necessarily get to use those new tools and techniques until months, weeks, even maybe years later, because there's no chance for them to operate and use whatever it is you've given them or taught them or shown them immediately. So aftercare is all about immediately building on what they've learnt, or been trained, or been coached, in that short period of time, for a period of months and weeks thereafter.