What's The 'Right' Next Step To Take in Life?
Speaker 1: (00:00)
How can I know if I'm making the right next step?
Speaker 2: (00:06)
The first thing is to start looking at things slightly differently. Rather than thinking about right or wrong, just look at "What am I trying to achieve?" There isn't a case of getting it right or wrong. The biggest challenge is not doing something. So not acting, not doing things deliberately and not constantly reviewing it is the challenge. So if you reframe that question and just think about what is it I'm looking to achieve, we come back to this again, what am I doing every day to stay on, on, on top of that? Because it isn't about getting things wrong and it isn't about getting things right. It's about listening and learning from all the actions that you take regularly and not leaving them too long in play without constantly looking to change or adapt them based on the feedback that you're getting. If that makes sense.