How Can I Help My Team To Feel More Responsible Today?


Speaker 1: (00:12)
How can I help my team to feel more responsible today?

Speaker 2: (00:21)
It's often very unclear to employees, not always, but often very unclear as to why we're doing what we're doing. They are given a task and they'll complete it. But without the real idea where it's taking us, the reason why it's important, someone perhaps lower down the chain may not realise that actually their role is fundamentally important. If that bit breaks the whole thing breaks, but they've never had that made clear to them. And actually it'd give them a huge amount of enthusiasm and encouragement to know that whilst they're small piece is small, it's actually a massive piece of the jigsaw. So let's make absolutely sure that you've made it clear to everyone involved what is important about the function that they're bringing to the table on this day.