Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's one thing I can do to see problems in a brand new way?
Speaker 2: (00:07)
Now that's a meaty one.
Speaker 1: (00:09)
And you have only got to pick one thing as well.
Speaker 2: (00:11)
Hmm. Problems in a different way. Okay. So for me, I'm going to pick this one about seeing failure differently. So a lot of people see failure as a reason to stop. Whereas I would like to condition people to see failure as feedback that life's giving you. And if you look at it and learn from that instance, from that problem, the problem is likely to have involved some failure along, along that line. But change the dynamic and the understanding to what that actually is. It's feedback. If you choose to do nothing with the feedback that you've been given, then it's a problem and it's a failure and it will probably happen again, or you'll never do it. And you'll miss an opportunity. But if you look at it as feedback and an opportunity to learn and improve and do things differently and don't shy away from it, then it's a real opportunity for growth.