How Do You Think Remote Working Should Be Implemented As We Return To The Office?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
How do you think remote working should be implemented as we return to the office?

Speaker 2: (00:04)
Okay. Really, really important one this. First of all, it should be done for a consultation of your staff. It definitely shouldn't be imposed one way or the other, you know, everyone will have experienced it, I would imagine. Therefore you need to ask how it's gone. It needs to be something that people can opt into and you need to be comfortable with the levels of it, but it needs to be through a conversation with everybody first. Cause some people would have loved it and being really effective. Some people will have hated it. There needs to be a balance. It can't just be, this is the way it's going to be. Well it absolutely can, but I think you're running into trouble if you do it that way. So for me through, I can't think of a better word other than consult with your staff, initially.