Can You Help Me To Reframe My Fear Of Something?
Speaker 1: (00:12)
Can you help me reframe my fear of something?
Yeah, I mean, with these ones, sometimes it can take a bit more time. And in terms of someone watching this video, let's be clear about the facts of the situation first and foremost. What are you fearful of? And I think a really good exercise is to look down and write down the facts of the matter, rather than what's going on up here. There's a load of thinking that's going on that's probably taking us a long way away from what's the reality of the thing. And there's a lot of work that I, I talk about about, you know, upstairs thinking in your mind and playing it out in different ways in other people's heads. So there's a lot of stuff going on here that isn't real. It feels real because the thoughts going on in our head's are there. But they are just that. And that's the trick. You're thinking isn't real. And you can also change it. So let's make absolutely clear going back to that fear, what am I fearful of and what are the facts of that matter? Let's start there I'll happily talk to anybody else, who's done that process and reach out to me. I'll happily take that conversation further as a reward for doing the exercise based on this video, you know, I'm not gonna charge you for it. If you want to talk over those facts of the matter, I'll happily do that. It'll only take 10, 15 minutes.