How Do You Overcome The Things You Struggle With?


Speaker 1: (00:12)
How do you overcome the things you struggle with?

Speaker 2: (00:19)
The first thing that I do is I step away from it. I step away from it at that moment that I'm struggling with it. But I don't allow myself off the hook. It doesn't mean that I just quit and I will find a way to schedule some time to give it some thought about how I'm going to approach it. So when I'm giving it that time, it doesn't mean I'm going to do it then. It means I'm going to look at how I might approach it. And I'll probably implement things like the GROW model approach or set some realistic goal associated to it. Because if it's something I can't just naturally do, then I need to think about it. But I can't force myself into a corner where I must complete this at this set time. Does that make sense?