How To Overcome Your Greatest Fear


Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's one thing I can do to overcome my greatest perceived fears?

Speaker 2: (00:09)
I think we're moving into the world here of where you need to get comfortable with fear. You need to redefine what fear is to you. We are naturally driven to be fearful. Our... In our earliest days, as, as human beings, fear was, was healthy because it meant we were probably running away from near death. But the, the wild, animals chasing us and so forth have been replaced by social media feeds of people seem to be doing better than us. Other people's careers, this feeling, feeling that we're not good enough. That's the new fear that we're looking to avoid. And if we can rebalance that to say that we actually want to chase some fearfulness, we want to become comfortable with this feeling uncomfortable and have a look at what that means.

I'm not saying that's the right thing to do. I'm not saying that you want to go and do death-defying stunts. I'm just saying that if you're being fearful, then that means you're probably doing something that's challenging yourself. You're giving yourself an opportunity of new experiences and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. So go and look at that fear, listen to the feedback that you're getting from pursuing that. Get comfortable with the feeling of uncomfortable. Cause it means that you're probably heading in a new direction. You don't have to go with it though. Just don't hide from it.