What's Been The Most Eye-Opening Thing You've Learnt?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's been the most eye-opening thing you've ever learnt?

Speaker 2: (00:08)
Learnt is interesting. Realised is probably what I'd say. And it goes all the way back to... I mean, I know I sound like a broken record for people who know me, but the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, awoke the simplicity of life to me in that if I just do something today, and then do it again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after that, then the momentum is built. If I also then do something briefly and it stops, then shockingly things don't tend to happen. So the most eye opening thing that has been brought to the fore, because it's bloody obvious. So saying I've learnt it, I don't know the right word, but just doing stuff and doing small things. Not looking at big things and thinking that that's achievable, but just doing small daily task every single day has made a huge difference. And again, I wish I'd known this sooner because whilst it's obvious when you find it out, it actually hit me quite hard, when I first realised how painstakingly obvious that fact is.