What Are You Going To Do To Make 2021 A Successful Year For You?
Speaker 1: (00:12)
What are you going to do to make 2021 a successful year for you?
Speaker 2: (00:17)
Pretty much a lot of what I did in 2020. Despite what could have happened, it was it was a good year. A lot of the things that happened didn't impact the business too much. And just because it's a new year, why would I do things differently? But also it's important for people to understand that when I say that I fail a lot and I listen to that feedback and I grow and I change and I adapt. So when I say the same things I'd done in 2020, it doesn't mean just repeat, like so many people do. That means I continue to grow. That means to continue to fail, listen to the feedback, apply it differently. So when I say the same, actually it's doing something different almost every single day, certainly every single month. And I'm going to continue to do it.