Everyone Seems to be Doing Better Than Me, Is That Really True?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
Everyone seems to be doing better than me, is that really true?

Speaker 2: (00:04)
No, is the first honest answer if you want a straightforward yes or no, which I rarely give. No, they're not. If, if, if people are sort of presenting a picture that you don't know is the case, then... I.e. They're showing you how great things are going. Then just think about it like this. If they have to say it, then it probably isn't so. And they're... I don't tend to swear on videos, but I'm going to say they're probably bullshitting you. You see it in the personal, in the business world, just the same, you know. I know plenty of people who will showcase the perfect family life on Facebook, but I know how their family life really is. But obviously I won't share, and I won't betray the confidence, but I know it's, it's a case that they just need everybody to know how great things are because actually behind the scenes, life's crap.

And it's the same in business. You know, I've seen people in your field to be perfectly honest. It's showing that publicly they're doing really well, but I know for an absolute fact, they are not doing well. They are charging ridiculous rates. It's silly. It's silly. So if you're allowing that sort of stuff to get into your mind, then the only real question I have for you is what aren't you doing? That's making you think that these people are doing well? Because your actual answer here is you're, you're not doing enough. You're not doing things that are good for you. Because if that noise is actually penetrating and resonating with you, the real challenge, isn't a case of what are they doing. It's what are you not doing?