Everyone Says 'Start With Why', But How Do We Find What Our Purpose Is?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
Everyone says 'start with why', but how do we really find what our purpose is?

Speaker 2: (00:07)
Yeah, I do feel because of the book and cause, and it's a great book, 'Start With Why', I do feel that that can be said a bit too easily. The way that we're gonna address this is working out: What do we actually really want? Why are we really here? Why do we do what we do? And, you know, in 10 years time, what do you want to be able to say to yourself? What is the decision that you're making? What are you doing that day? Where are you that day? Where are you living? What does, what does your life look like? If you can start thinking about where I'd like to be, then we can start thinking about what we really want to do and why we're doing it. If we haven't got that, then is it... Is our why going to be a bit misdirected? Because we think too short term. I see it a lot at the moment. People just living for the now and living in the now is one thing, but living for the now is dangerous because where is it taking you? And you know, you're going to wake up in five, 10 years and have you really got anywhere? I'm not sure. So having a real sit down and think about where you want to be in say 10 years. I love the idea of a 10 year challenge, challenge yourself to: where will you be? If you were to sit down with me in 10 years time, what are you doing? How have you got there? Where are you living? What do you feel like? That's a fascinating conversation to have with yourself.