How Can I Motivate People?
Speaker 1: (00:04)
How can I motivate people?
How can I motivate people? Again, it's, it's it comes down to the, the question isn't right and isn't wrong per se. But, if you're having to ask, how do I motivate people, then you have a more fundamental issue. Because that suggests to me that perhaps you're not motivating them already. Which means they don't really understand what it is they're being asked of... Asked to do. Perhaps your values, aren't clear, perhaps the reasons why we're doing what we're doing, aren't clear, but the reason, the way you motivate people is to let them have a purpose for doing what they do and making sure they get to do what they do best as often as possible. So there isn't a way to directly motivate them. The question is to say, why aren't they motivated and what am I not giving them?