How Can I Fail Today?


Speaker 1: (00:12)
How can I fail today?

Hmm, ooo, lots of times as well, please. By doing stuff. By just doing stuff, maybe trusting your gut. I don't mind what it is, but anytime you hesitate, have a think about that. If there's anything you can do, then do it. If you're feeling "I can't do that" or "shouldn't do that". And as long as it's not illegal big disclaimer, I want you to do something because then you're going to get some feedback. It might be that a call with somebody goes a bit badly, well that's a fail in some people's eyes. But it's not if you review what you did and how you approached it, maybe the questions you ask, there's actually loads and loads of feedback from failing. And we need to be failing every single day so that we can get all that feedback. Because you know what it means? You get better at so many more things. So a fail away people. Fail away.