What Do You Hope For The Future Of This Country?


Speaker 1: (00:00)
What do you hope for the future of this country?

That's a good one. I feel, and I don't know if it's media driven, or what have you, but I just feel there's a lot of agitation. There's a lot of expectation and there's a lot of disagreement and there's a huge number of opinions being flown around as facts. I just wish we'd be a lot nicer to one another. Everybody seems to have a view and their view has to be it. And there's so much trying to catch one another out. There's, you know, life's been pretty difficult at the minute and everyone's got an opinion on how it's being handled. I don't necessarily agree it's being handled good or bad, but there's no positivity. Everywhere I look it's criticise, criticise, criticise. Negative, negative, negativ. It's boring. And I don't know where it's come from. I'm sure it never used to be quite like this. So I just like... Be a little bit kinder, be a little bit more, or maybe a lot more, positive. And if you're going to criticise be constructive. It's very easy to sit on the side and say, that was crap. Give some reasons why, how would you have done it differently? You know, stop making a difficult situation, even more difficult. It's tiresome. And I'm really bored of it.