Should We ALL Have a Four Day Week?
Speaker 1: (00:00)
Should we all have a four day week?
Speaker 2: (00:05)
You've picked on that one because I've done a few articles on it. I, again, don't feel that we should, or that we shouldn't, what I don't feel that we need is structured nine till five, Monday to Friday weeks. We need to look at what is actually necessary. What do our people need? What does the business need? We don't need to fall into the trap of doing what everybody else does. So why don't we talk to our staff and say, what would work for them? I've heard about some companies who've put a four day week in place and there's people going out of their minds because that's not what they want. They don't want that. They've enjoyed the five day weeks. There's other people who think, well, actually, why four? Why not three? We've got other people who work better in evenings and mornings.
There's a whole myriad of things. So a four day week on its own, it's not a thing. I know it's got a lot of publicity lately and it's gone well for a certain number of companies. People have even written books about it. But don't get hung up on a thing. We love to get hung up on rules. And that, isn't what it is. What you need to look at is use something like the four day week to just review how we do everything. How are we going to do what we need to do as best as we possibly can? That's a good way to start.