How Do You Find Time For The Things You Enjoy?
Speaker 1: (00:12)
How do you find time for the things that you enjoy?
Speaker 2: (00:16)
Alright. To be fair, those who know me well know I find it only too well. I'm a big golfer and I find time to play two or three times a week. And it's quite simple. I literally do make time for it. I schedule my life around fitting in that hobby. That's where I go to just switch off. It's where I have just one area of focus. And I absolutely love it. It's also my exercise. But I make time for it. And there will be so many people listening here saying, Oh, how alright it is for you. No, you can do it as well. Every single person listening to this video can make time to find what is four hours probably to play a round a golf or do something similar. You absolutely can. And if you tell me you can't, we should have a chat. And I'll chat with you for free to explain to you how you're wrong. I don't really believe in rights and wrongs, but on that, you're wrong.