Do You Compare Yourself To Others And Does That Help You?
Speaker 1: (00:12)
Do you compare yourself to others? And does that help you?
Speaker 2: (00:16)
I absolutely don't now. And the reason is because it never helps. In the early days of what I did, I probably did quite a lot. I also looked to mould myself on other people. And as soon as you do that, you're attempting to be different to yourself. And also you might judge that person as better than you, which is going to give you a complex. It's just so unhealthy. It's just not sensible. Have mentors. Yes. Have people who guide you and help you and support you, but don't look to be like somebody else or compare yourself against other people. I often find sometimes one of the things you're asked to do is compare yourself against your competitors. No. I don't, I don't have any competitors. And that might sound strange to people, but no one is me. No one can do what I can do. And there's other coaches out there that I can't do what they do because they are themselves. And I can't get in their skin. It's one of the few times I'll accept that I can't do something. I can't be someone else. So stop trying. And don't put yourself down by judging yourself against other people. It's toxic.