How Should Businesses Handle Redundancies?
Speaker 1: (00:00)
How should businesses handle redundancies?
Speaker 2: (00:03)
Yeah, really, really important one here, because I'm going to assume that people making redundancies are doing it for all, you know, reasons that they have to. You know, I feel there are some companies that will be doing it for convenience and shame on them. But the ones that aren't and have really got no choice, it's about empathy. You know, this is hard for you, but it's bloody hard for the people on the receiving end. So make sure that you can have as much human interaction with these people as you possibly can. Communicate with them as regularly as you can be allowed to do. And just let them know that they're not on their own, that you're going to do everything you can to help them within the powers that you have. So it's about communication. It's as hard for them, if not harder, As it is for you to do.