How To Build A Positive Workplace Culture
Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's one thing I can do to create a positive workplace culture?
Speaker 2: (00:07)
This might sound a little aggressive, but perhaps be worried that you feel you need to create a positive work environment. Cause that, to me, sounds like you don't think you do. And even if you sort of kid yourself that you do, the fact you've asked a question, or this has resonated with you, gives me cause for concern. Because you can't make it positive. It either is positive or it's not. And if you feel that there's a reason it's not, then you need to have a look at that and you need to be asking yourself, why do I feel that that question has resonated with me? Why have I sought to look at the video where that's the answer to the question? Clearly, I've not given you the answer you want, but there's, there's obviously a doubt in your mind that means you've got to create a positive environment. You don't create them, they just happen.