How Can Organisations Address The Gender Gap?
Speaker 1: (00:00)
What's one thing that organisations can do to start to address the gender gap in their organisation?
Speaker 2: (00:06)
This one always surprises me. I'm amazed it's a thing these days. I feel for me, one of the things that would fix this is, aside from not looking at it specifically, because I'm amazed that it comes up, is to make sure that people are getting the chance to do what they do best every day. Make sure, you know, what makes them tick. Make sure you give them the opportunity to succeed in the way that they are going to perform best for your organisation, for your company. If you focus on what they do best, then it doesn't matter about their gender. They will perform at the best of their possible ability and you will have enabled it. And then people will be promoted on merit because the company will demand whatever it is. They may well be male. They may well be female. It doesn't really matter at that point. The company will want what that person is giving because they're giving the best that they possibly can, because you've enabled it.